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Welcome To The Dragori Empire!
I am Emperor Drangsorian Alexander Gregorio Auraphio Dragorian!The Dragori Empire is for all of the fantasy lovers in the world! in it I have included many things. Examples of which being: Dragon anatomy, physiology, and morphology; Pictures of Dragons, elves, and new video games; I have included the Elven alphabet, runes, and dictionary. I have even included points for the book that I am writing. Including the creatures that I call The Daraegori(or dragori in the shortened form-hence the name of the site).I hope that you all enjoy this website! Have fun!! |
What's New?
January 16, 2003: I have finally added some new pictures and information on the site, my books, and some rpg's that I am involved in. I am also starting an Rpg....and I hope that people join. Try checking out the other rpg sites! |
Welcome To My Home Page!
Please bear with me and be patient. I have just started the website, so therefore it is not totally made just yet! But, once I get started, it will be awesome and worth the wait, let me assure you! But while your waiting, feel free to roam around the vast fantasy empire! |
Email me!at drangsorian2k@hotmail.com

Dragori Empire
The Realm of Fantasy!
Email Me! |